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Eulogy Examples

The following are examples of eulogies for funeral or memorial services.  Also see how to write a eulogy and eulogy writing checklist.

Eulogy for Mother with Illness (Cancer)

What can I say about Mama? She was a Christian, a teacher, a problem solver, and a friend.  As a teacher, she treated her students as if they were her own.  She loved, taught and nurtured her own children as well.  She taught us all about love and life.

When Mama was first diagnosed with cancer, She took the news calmly. But she was determine to fight the disease and win.  She did win.  For many years she managed her illness and lived for 8 years cancer free.  She had many happy and productive years.  She continued to teach school, she worked in herchurch, sang in the choir and went on many family trips.

Last year when she learned the cancer had returned, after much thought, she decided not to undergo chemotherapy.  Even though her health deteriorated, her spirit was very strong. She would always remind us that we shouldn't be sad when she leaves this earth.  She would tell us that she had a lifetime of love and laughter.  Even in her final stages of sickness, she participated in church activities until she was too week to continue.  Her last days were spent spending quality time with family and friends.

On her last night with us, we spent her final hours holding her hand and praying with her. We assured her that we would keep the family together. When mama peaceful passed on, we took comfort knowing that she was with her Creator, and she was at peace.  Somehow it helped ease the pain of losing our mama, our teacher, our friend.

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Eulogy for Father

My father wasn't one for many words, so I'm sure he would be surprised to hear me speak about him today. His strong, silent presence was a comfort when I was sad and torture when I did something wrong. But despite what he said or didn't say, I know that he loved all of his children very much.

I was always "Daddy's little girl." Being the youngest child, I know he let me get away with a lot more than my siblings either because he was too tired (I have seven brothers and sisters) or he just loved me best (wink wink). I have such fond memories of sitting on his lap and taking in his stale cigarette and Aqua Velva scent while he told a few tales from his Navy days or childhood.

Growing up, I got to see how a real man treats a lady. My father adored my mother and told her every day how much he loved her. He wasn't afraid to hold her hand or show affection toward her in front of us kids. He was faithful, God-loving and showed me that I shouldn't settle for anything less in a husband. I also grew up watching how he treated his parents. Even in their elderly years, when it became harder to care for them, he still treated them with all the respect they deserved because they were his parents. I, in turn, gave him that same respect.

One of Dad's greatest attributes was that he was a hard worker. His work ethic was when asked to do a job, do it right the first time, no matter how long it takes. He never settled for anything less from us kids -- in school or at home. Even during the hard times, when he was laid off and there was no work available, he got up every day and pounded that pavement. He did whatever he could to support his family. He never complained about it either.

When Dad got sick earlier this year, we all knew he was in a lot of pain. He started sleeping more, eating less and not being as active as he once was. On the days when he couldn't take his daily walks to the store for a newspaper and cup of coffee, one of us kids would drive him. We tried so hard to keep him in his routine. When the cancer got worse, Dad spent most of his days in bed. You could tell he was in pain, but he tried not to show it.

I will never forget the day he died. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, which was unusual for this time of year. He was awake, alert and seemed happy. A little while later, he turned to his family, smiled and said, "I'm ready to go. It's time." Considering how much pain was in, seeing him smile and at peace was a relief.  He knew he lived a good life and it was time for his new journey to begin.

Daddy, I will never forget you. You taught me so much about love, about life and about being a good person. I will continue to pattern my life after yours, and in times when I need help or a little advice, I will think back to all the good, long talks we had. I know I will be fine. You are gone physically from this world, but your memory will live on forever.

Also See:
Sample Eulogy for Mother
Sample Eulogy for Father
Sample Eulogy for Grandmother
Sample Eulogy for Friend




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