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Funeral Program Business -- Why Funeral Programs

Here’s a question for you: do you have decent computer skills and you’d also like to run your own business? Creating funeral programs and memorial keepsakes is a great startup business that doesn't require any specialized skills and has very low start-up costs. You can work on your funeral program business full time, or supplement your income by creating programs part time.

The funeral program businesses is growing and in great demand. With templates from Elegant Memorials you can begin creating beautiful, professional looking programs immediately.

Why Funeral Programs and Memorial Keepsakes?

We’ve all heard the quote “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” I can also tell you with confidence that there will be an increasing need for your funeral and memorial products in the future. Here’s why:

  • Right now, the US funeral industry is a 20.7 billion dollar a year industry. With Baby Boomers (who represent the largest segment of the population) getting older, it is projected that there will be a constantly increasing number of funerals, cremations and memorial services for years to come.
  • The funeral and memorial industry is also changing in important ways. Consumers are now looking for a more personalized memorial experience. They are looking for creative ways to memorialize their loved ones, instead of simply accepting the traditional, somber funeral service.
  • Whether it’s a funeral, cremation or memorial service, today’s consumers also want some kind of a program, booklet or keepsake to help remember and honor their loved ones. You can be the one to provide this service!

There’s a wide variety of printed funeral and memorial booklets for you to create for your customers. These include funeral programs, funeral and remembrance cards and bookmarks, booklets and pamphlets for memorials services and death anniversary programs, just to name a few.

It’s Time to Get Started

Now, back to starting your business. Although there are no specialized skills needed for this business, you will need to be comfortable using your computer, as well as using word processing or desktop publishing software. You will also need to understand basic business concepts, be a self-starter and be willing to learn.

If you do not have all of the skills you need right now, don't worry! There are tons of instructional videos on every one of these topics to help you bring your skills up to speed. Simply "Google" the skill you would like to work on to find tons of websites, blogs and YouTube videos to help answer your questions.

And remember, Elegant Memorials is going to help you with easy-to-use templates that allow you to create just what your clients request.

So, let's get started!



Choose from our wide selection of funeral program and memorial card templates.


Our Clipart Packages help you personalize your programs and cards.


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