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Funeral and Memorial Service Checklist

Planning a funeral can be a very stressful and difficult task.  Often times, the person in charge of making the funeral funeral memorial checklistarrangements are grieving, and may not have a clear understanding of the wishes of their deceased loved one.  Listed below are several questions that can serve as a guide or a checklist for helping you through the sometimes painful process of  planning  a  memorial or funeral service.

1.  Do you want a religous-based (such as a Christian Funeral), traditional funeral service or non-traditional memorial service?   (See article entitled "Funeral or Memorials Service" that outlines the difference between the services)

2.  What are you going to do with the body?  Casket, urn, or maybe the body won't be present?

3.    Who will officiate the service?  Will it be a minister, family member, friend or Celebrant?  Will it be a religous or secular-based service?


4.  Are you considering cremation?  If so, what are you going to do with the ashes?  Burial at sea, green burial, traditional or dispose of them in another way?

5.  Have you written the Obituary and published it in the newspaper? (See articles on writing obituaries)

6.  Will you have other memorial printing, such as funeral programs or memorial folders?  If so, who will be in charge of producing these items (i.e. the funeral home, church or use funeral program templates to create your own memorial service bulletin)


7.   Who will give the Eulogy or other funeral speeches?  If there is more than one person giving the eulogy or tribute?  Have you met with each person to make sure they aren't going to say the same thing?

8.  Will you use pre-designated Pall Bearers or Flower Bearers?

9.  Have you chosen the setting for the Service?  It could be at a park, lake, beach, a favorite spot, or a traditional site (church/burial site). (See our article on funeral and memorial service ideas).


8.    Will there be a theme to the Service?  The theme can be a hobby the deceased enjoyed, their career, culture, or their relationship to you.

9.  Do you want to use symbolic gestures such as releasing butterflies, doves, balloons, naming a star, or a memorial quilt?

10.    Are their any items of the deceased that you would like to have present to make the service personal?  Glasses, Photographs, Childhood items, hobbies, music, or candles are some examples.

11.    What type of funeral flowers will you use for the Service?  Who is bringing the flowers?  Will you order Corsages and Boutonres?

12.     Is there a poem selection or other funeral reading?  Who will the readers be? 

13.  Is there going to be a scripture reading or prayer?  Who is going to read the Scripture?

14.    Who is in charge of the music selection?  Will there be a Pianist, Organist, Flutist, Soloist, and Flutist?  Are there any special songs you would like to play?

15.    Where is the Reception or gathering after the Service?  Who is going to set-up and bring the food? 



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