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Funeral Programs Layouts

funeral program layoutFuneral programs or obituary programs are booklets or bulletins that are given out at funeral and memorial services. These programs contain information about the memorial service and give details about the deceased. Funeral program templates can help you quickly and easily create professional looking funeral programs and booklets.  

Funeral program templates are available in many different layouts and designs. The layout of the program is how the information is arranged on the page,  the size of the paper used as well as type of fold or finish the program has.  Your layout often depends on upon much information you want to include in your program.  See our article on what to include in a funeral program to get ideas about the kind of information you may want to include in the program or keepsake.

This article will explain a few popular funeral program layouts that you can use to create a memorable program as well as show the funeral program size and design. These layouts can be easily re-created by using funeral program templates that are readily available on this webiste.

layout funeral programs banner

When selecting a layout for your program, always consider how much information that you will want to include in your program. Information commonly included in funeral programs are an order of service, an obituary for a funeral program or tribute, poems, scriptures funeral song lyrics, funeral program pictures, clipart and photos. If you hav a lot of information, consider a layout that wil allow you to add additional pages.  You can also see funeral program samples.  Below are descriptions of some common layout of funeral programs.

funeral program

Bifold Funeral Program Layout

Also Called Single Fold

  • Bifold layout uses 8 1/2" x 11" (standard) paper which folds in half, to give you 4 panels of information.   Finished size of 5.5"x 8.5"
  • The bifold is the easiest and most straight-forward layout.  It is also the most commonly used layout. 
  • Additional pages can be added to you program to give more room for poems, funeral song lyrics, funeral program pictures, clipart and photos, and any other information you would like to include

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funeral programs

Trifold Funeral Programs Layout

Also Called Z Fold

  • Trifold layout uses 8 1/2" x 14" (legal-sized) paper which folds over twice, to give 6 panels of information.   Finished folded size is approx. 4.5"x 8.5"
  • Trifold layout is formatted to display additional photos or other information in your funeral program
  • Additional pages cannot be added to this layout


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graduated fold funeral programs

Graduated Fold Funeral Program Layout

(Also Called Step Fold)

  • Graduated layout uses as a single sheet of 8 1/2" x 11" paper, printed on both sides
  • Graduated fold has an offset fold which reveals a colored rectangular panel that displays the name (or any other information)  on the right side of the funeral program
  • The graduated layout is very similar to the bifold layout, however additional pages cannot be added.


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graduated fold funeral program template

4-Page Graduated Fold Funeral Program Layout

Also Called 4 page Step fold Programs

  • This layout uses 2 sheets of  8 1/2" x 11" paper, printed on both sides , which fold to give 8 booklet pages of information, and folds to reveal 3 elegant colored panels. 
  • Plenty of room for additional photos and information, however, additional pages cannot be added
  • The elegant fold design element gives a contemporary and polished look to your funeral programs.


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Large Tabloid Funeral Booklet Layout

  • Large Tabloid layout uses 2 sheets (printed front and back) 11" x 17" sized paper which folds in half, to giving an 8 page large booklet.   Finished folded size is 8.5"x11"
  • This layout is our largest, with lots of room for all kinds of information
  • This layout can have additional pages
  • This layout requires a large format printer (one that can accomodate 11"x17" paper)


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Funeral Card Layout

  • Uses 8.5"x11" paper, formatted to print 2 cards per sheet.   Finished card size 5.5" x 4.5"
  • Save time by using Avery Note Cards #8315 for easy folding and assembly
  • Perfect for funeral announcements, tribute cards or service invitations


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Also See:

Selecting a Funeral Program Design

Funeral Program Titles and Wording




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