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Memorial Bookmark Templates

celestial dove bookmark templatecelestial dove bookmark templateIf you are looking for a unique and affordable keepsake to distribute at a loved one's funeral, consider memorial bookmarks instead of funeral cards or even funeral programs. Created using bookmark templates, these mementos are cherished reminders of your loved one's life. They are also tokens that guests can easily keep with them no matter where they are.

Memorial bookmarks can be placed in a bible, journal or a favorite book of poetry or devotions. They can also be used in place of regular bookmark in any piece of reading material. Also, see our article on how to make a funeral or memorial bookmark on our website to get step by step instructions on how to make your bookmark keepsake.

Creating Memorial Bookmarks

Also known as obituary or funeral bookmarks, these customizable memorial bookmarks provide basic information about the deceased person, as well as a special sentiment, such as a poem, scripture or information about the funeral or burial. When you use bookmark templates, you can include just about anything you like including pictures or graphics. You can also add a variety of funeral and memorial clipart or fancy titles to make your bookmark a unique keepsake for friends and family members to share.


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 Funeral and Memorial Bookmark Video

This video gives information about how to edit your funeral and memorial bookmark template.

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Memorial Bookmark Template Download

  • Insert photos, clipart and images that you want to use including your loved one, background or other graphic
  • Add pertinent biographical information such as name and dates of birth and death
  • On flip side of bookmark, add poem, scripture reading or other verse
  • Print on card stock for better durably (4 bookmarks typically fit on an 8.5" x 11" sheet)
  • Cut out and distribute at funeral, memorial, wake or celebration of life service.

You can also have the bookmarks laminated to extend the life of the bookmark, and for a special touch, punch a hole at the top and add a decorate tassel. Use scallop scissors to add some elegance to the bookmark's border.

Memorial Bookmark Themes

Like those used with funeral programs or cards, memorial bookmark templates allow you to create a keepsake with any theme or design you want. It's always best to keep have a theme that represents the person who died. This idea will also set the tone for the funeral or memorial service and should match other keepsakes you may distribute, such as funeral programs or memorial cards.

For example, if your loved one was a devout Christian, think about creating the bookmark with his or her favorite Bible reference or scripture. Bookmark templates allow you to choose your own theme from what is already included in the package you purchased or upload your own. Some creative ideas include:

Religious themes (crosses, images of heaven, or the Bible)
Nature themes (trees, beaches, sunsets, flowers, rainbows, or waterfalls)
Animals (butterflies, cats, dogs and birds)
Sports (baseball field, basketball, or football stadium)
Hobbies (photography gardening, music or movies)
Military (American flag, commendations, or photos of individual in uniform)

Plan Ahead

Before you start creating your bookmark, spend a few minutes organizing it and sketching it out on paper. You may be surprised at how much you can get on a 2.5" by 8" card. Remember to use both sides, but don't try to cram so much on there that the bookmark looks sloppy or rushed.



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